The Bent Quill Players are proud to present
"The Busybody"
by Susanna Centlivre

Directed by Irena Cumbow

Featuring the lovely and talented: Meaghan Cross, Brad Harris, Aviva Laufer, Chuk Obasi, James Santos, Nevan Scott, Elspeth Shell-Moyer, and Chet Siegel.

With set design by Beth Hintze

Check out our very favorable review on Richard Grayson's blog, Dumbo Books of Brooklyn.

Poster art by Alvin Chan

Fort Tryon Park, Dongan Lawn

August 20th 6pm
August 21st 6pm
August 22nd 1pm
August 27th 6pm
August 28th 6pm
August 29th 1pm

All Production Photos taken by Gabriel Aronson.

The cast of "The Busybody